I have read many theories on how mediums get their abilities. Some say it’s hereditary – if you’re not born with it, you can’t develop it. You either have it or you don’t. My personal philosophy is that we are all capable of connecting with our spirit team. I mean, WHY would we even have a team to work with if we couldn’t communicate with them, right?! That’s like going to work and being told you have co-workers to accomplish a goal with but you can’t see, hear or speak to them!

It simply makes no common sense to me so I encourage you to accept right here, right now, that you have the ability to communicate clearly with your guides. I know my theory is correct because my guides told me AND they specifically asked me to tell YOU that you have a spiritual army just waiting for you to command them.


This process will be different for each person but it boils down to three things: Repetition, Triggers and Intention.

Here is my personal process. It is the same every time. I am also relaying the message my guides gave me to pass along to you.

Repetition, Intention & Triggers

I have a routine I use to connect to the higher realms. First, I intentionally journey at the same time every day. Next, I use the same smell (sage or palo santo). Finally, I use the same piece of music. These triggers tell my mind that meditation or a journey is about to happen. My mind will automatically get into the theta state when I activate these triggers.

I use repetition in my mind’s journey as well. I go to the same place in my mind. This sets the intention and tells my brain that I am fully expecting to raise my vibration and consciousness to access the higher realms. I prepare my mind by imagining I’m walking down an oak-lined driveway to a big, white southern plantation home.  I have the intention of relaxing my mind as I walk toward my destination.

When I reach the porch of the house, I walk inside intending for this door to take me to the place where my portal resides. The interior of the house is as you would expect – large staircase at the entryway and open area to the right. I go to the right, toward the back wall where I see an elevator. I set my intention for this elevator. As it rises, so will my consciousness. My elevator has 15 buttons. I know the floor number actually correlates with the level/realm I’m going to. Today my guides tell me I am to choose level 12.


When the doors open, I never know what will be on the other side. This time, it is a vast desert. My guides take me to a tent where I meet Jesus, Confucius and Muhammad. Muhammad invites me to take a journey. I am on a camel and he is leading it across this barren, enormous desert. He is explaining to me that most people go through life thinking they are all alone. He says, “This is not true. You just have to be willing to see.”

As he says this, sand-colored shadows start to appear all around me. Thousands of them – stretching as far as the eye can see. He continues, “You see? Everyone has a spiritual army waiting to be called upon. You must lead them as I am leading you on this camel.”

He tells me this life is about bringing others the message that they have access to this spiritual army that is waiting to help them find their purpose, their soul’s journey – whatever they’re here for. I am to teach them, communicate for them and show them how they can communicate for themselves. People are wandering in a spiritual desert looking for a drink. I can lead them. They are not wandering alone — they have an army of heavenly hosts and guides waiting to help but they can’t unless the individual asks.”

What he is referring to is the law of Free Will. Our creator gave us free will and as such, there are dire consequences for outside forces to override that. So, our spirit team will not act unless we give them permission.

And now I bring this message to you: If you are struggling or seeking guidance, call upon your spirit guides, teachers and angels. Ask them for guidance. Tell them you are open and willing to receive this guidance. How will you know they have answered? Most of the time, it comes in the form of “coincidences”, which are really synchronicity. It’s no coincidence that you were thinking about moving to Melbourne Fl and then see a billboard in North Carolina that advertises visiting Melbourne! That is an acknowledgment that your guides hear you and you are on the right path.

Other ways your angels and guides talk to you is through gifts. You might find feathers or coins or other weird things popping up in odd places. Mine sends me butterflies. I have a friend who gets dimes. Some people get pennies.

If you ask, they will put just the right teachers and things you need in your path at just the right time. You tell them what you desire and they will show you how to get it.

Another way they communicate is by putting thoughts in your head. You might have an Eureka! moment and wonder where that came from – your spiritual army! It’s not hard to get messages. You just have to listen. My mentor told me “Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening.” A daily meditation practice where you just sit in silence prepares a time to hear your guides without the daily chaos of work, family, school etc. Even just five minutes helps. Make it a priority as you do getting dressed in the morning. Yes. It’s that important.

Of course, if you’re in a rush and want an answer to a specific question, you can always book a channeling session with me. I am happy to connect you with your guides and give you messages that allow you to move forward so you can fulfill your Divine purpose.